Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Unforgettable Memories and Dreams!!!!


Unforgettable memories and dreams.

 we have  so many unforgettable memories
 in our lives. They are many different memories and dreams. some live with educational memories while. Others live with memories of achievements. Memories keep us alive. Memories come to us in many different ways. That is for some people some memories are very pleasant. Others have very bitter memories . That is the best example of this is that some people  suffer a lot because of love. some are happy with memories .
 Our dreams come true. But we can  make our dreams come true it we run after those dreams. I have many memorable happy memories as well as unhappy memories . But I do not regret that often. Because it was a stupid act. The happiest memory and dreams of my life happened recently. That is on 26/10/2020. That is the day I was selected for University . I was very happiness on the faces of my mother and father . So that day was the most memorable dream of my life as well as the most memorable. 
We must make our dreams come true. Then our memories  will be beautiful. 

THANK YOU  !!! . 



                                                                    MY SCHOOL      Our school life is the most important and beautiful time ...