Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Queen Rani Padmavati


                                                 RANI PADMAVATI  


Padmavati is a beautiful and princess born in sri lanka. She is a very beautiful. The prince "Ratan sen" who lived in india came to know about the beauty of the princess. A parrot named "Hiraman" told the king about her beauty. He came to sri lanka and married her. He and she later wan to India. They lived very lovingly and happily.  

Thus they lived happily ever after. later, "Alauddin" the sultan of Delhi , came to know about this padmawathi princess. later, Alauddin starts  a war with Ratan sen dies. 
The queen leaned that king Ratan sen was dead. Goddess padmavati commits sucide with hwr other friends according to custom.

There are many novels/drama/films about her. The most popular of these was padmawati, a film directed by "sanjaya Leela" in India. Here the story of princess padmavati is beautifully presented. "Deepika Padukone" and "Shahid kakapoor" play the main roles.




                                                                    MY SCHOOL      Our school life is the most important and beautiful time ...